Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Soundtrack for Boo Williams

As you know, I'm a frequent traveler and I'll be honest, I don't really like to talk to you, guy next to me that wants to talk about your accounting job. I really don't. And I don't want to tell you about my job and why I'm going to where I'm going.

That's why I love the playlist.

I'm off to Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Hampton this weekend for work. This is my 19-song playlist for the trip.



Jody said...

Enjoy your trip. I wish I was somewhere besides Marietta, Ga. !!!!! But I will add that the girls and I had a great time at the park, playing outside, eating buttermilk pancakes and having our slumber party. I sure do love those 2 cuties!!!!!

Sarah Young said...

You are so antisocial with your i-pod. :) Although I probably would be too if I had half the idiots that bug you bugging me too!

Barb McLean said...

gotta tell you a funny. I was flying home from ATL and this lady next to me is giving me the "dont talk to me" vibe with her dark glasses on...hood over her head... arms folded.. you get the picture. I looked at her and said, "it's your lucky day!" She looked startled because I obviously wasn't paying attention to her great defense and then I dropped my own zinger... I said, because I'm not a talker either! She promptly said GOOD! She turned her back on me, looked out the window and nursed what I think was a terrific hangover. Her loss... I could have fascinated her by my life stories! HA